Dealing with postpartum hair loss in Singapore

Many women enjoy thicker, fuller hair during pregnancy. Some would even say that they had the best hair of their lives when they were with child. However, things often go downhill a few months after your baby is born. Many new mums might find that they’re dropping more hair on their pillow, clothing, and even in the shower.

If you’re struggling with postpartum hair loss, know that it is perfectly normal.

Postpartum hair loss affects up to 50% of women, and occurs as a result of changing hormone levels after pregnancy.

If you’re struggling with postpartum hair loss (hair loss after giving birth), you are not alone.

What causes postpartum hair loss?

When you’re pregnant, the hormone levels in your body change drastically to help develop your baby.

This new balance of hormones, particularly in estrogen, inevitably alters your hair growth cycle - During pregnancy, a woman’s hair tends to remain in a growing phase for longer than usual before entering resting and shedding phases.

Since your hair takes longer to come to the end of its growth cycle, you’ll find yourself retaining more hairs than usual, and noticing less hair fall. This results in fuller, thicker hair.

Once you’ve delivered your baby, your hormone levels naturally return to their pre-pregnancy levels.

This causes a drop in estrogen levels, and returning your hair to its usual phases of growth, resting, and shedding. A noticeable amount of your hair will begin the resting phase right away, and then proceed to shed several months later.

This is when postpartum hair loss becomes painfully noticeable.

Also known as telogen effluvium or excessive shedding, the condition causes women to lose more than the typical 100 hairs a day.

Furthermore, the hormone fluctuations in postpartum women causes even more strands of hair to enter the resting stage and shed just weeks later. Some women might find themselves losing as much as 300 hairs a day.

What are the common symptoms of postpartum hair loss in Singapore?

  • Significant hair fall from all around your head
  • Clumps that come loose when you shower or brush your hair

Is postpartum hair loss permanent?

For most ladies, postpartum hair loss is a temporary condition. The good news is that in almost all cases, hair recovers, and returns to its usual growth patterns within 3 to 6 months. And by the time your newborn turns a year old, your hair will likely be as thick as it once was.

However, if time has passed, and your hair only seems to be getting thinner, you should discuss your condition with your doctor right away - Excessive hair loss could signify an underlying health condition such as thyroid or anaemia.

Available treatments for postpartum hair loss in Singapore

While treatment is not often required for postpartum hair loss, supplements and topical therapies might be prescribed to help with hair growth. Some clever new mums also use styling tricks and products to make their hair appear fuller whilst it is recovering.

Even if you’re dealing with a bad case of postpartum hair shedding, the power is still in your hands:

Styling tricks

With the help of a professional hairstylist or trusted product, you could hide fine hairs, thinning areas, and give your locks a fuller appearance.

  • Change your part to disguise thinning areas.
  • Use trusted hair volumising and hydrating products.
  • Colour, cut, or gloss your hair for extra volume or texture.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on your scalp.

Stress management

After giving birth, your body will undergo stress as it heals from childbirth and deals with hormonal changes. This, along with the added demands of taking care of a baby, makes it crucial for new moms to manage stress as best as possible.

Diet, medications, and supplements

Healthy eating is essential for beautiful hair. A healthy diet that is rich in biotin, iron, and protein (think spinach, legumes, and broccoli) will help support your hair follicles in their return to normalcy and growth.

Additionally, biotin supplements and medicines such as Miriqa Hair exclusive and Nourkrin can help safely increase hair growth in new mothers.

Changing your diet

Consuming more iron-rich foods.

Treat female pattern hair loss with Artisan Hair Regrowth Treatment

Artisan Hair Regrowth Treatment

As a medically-backed hair loss solution in Singapore, Artisan Hair Regrowth treatment utilises an original hair growth serum designed by our team of Korean-trained doctors.

  • Stimulates hair follicles
  • Effectively encourages hair growth
  • Reduces the damage caused by hair loss
  • Provides strong anti-inflammatory elements
  • Is exceptionally gentle on the scalp

Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) utilises a specific type of laser in order to stimulate hair follicles, causing hair to grow back thicker and fuller.

  • No downtime needed
  • Proven, longstanding efficacy
  • Supports even hair growth
  • Hair grows back fuller and darker
  • Significantly improves hair volume
  • No side effects

Hair Transplant

As an FDA-approved, non-invasive hair transplantation method, it allows for dense hair to be transplanted without causing major scarring to transplant areas.

While hair transplants are a safe and effective way of treating hair loss in women, undergoing such treatment in your child’s first year, especially if you are breastfeeding, is not recommended.

However, this could be a great option for new mothers who have been struggling with postpartum hair loss for an extended period and who are no longer breastfeeding.

You can expect the following after a hair transplant:

  • Darker, thicker, and fuller hair
  • Even and continual hair regrowth
  • A recovered, full head of hair
Speak to us to find out which treatment is best for you.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you regain healthy head of hair.

What Our Patients Say

Hair Loss Is A Medical Condition

Understanding our human hair anatomy allows us to achieve a higher success rate in reversing hair loss condition.

Growing phase (Anagen)

Cells in the root of your hair rapidly divide for new hair to form. Hair grows about half an inch a month. This phase lasts an average of 3-5 years.

Regressing phase (Catagen)

Active hair growth ceases, and individual hairs separate from the hair follicle. This phase lasts for about 10 days.

Resting phase (Telogen)

Hair strands remain in their follicles for about 3 months before falling off to make way for new hair follicles. After which, losing about 50-100 strands of hair per day is normal. Hair loss may occur when this growth cycle is disrupted. If your hair is not growing as long or fast as it used to be, you may be experiencing a disruption in your hair growth cycle for various reasons. Speak to us for a solution.


Get the treatment you deserve.

For many new mothers, their hair remains an integral part of their identity as a woman. If you have been suffering from postpartum hair loss, and are ready to recapture and redefine what womanhood means to you, leave the details to our doctors.

Please indicate your current problem or share any other remarks for us to note before your appointment.

Let's start your journey of transformation.

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